Rewriting Title Translating Esports Language From Chinese to English

发布日期:2024-07-21 10:30    点击次数:157

Rewriting Title Translating Esports Language From Chinese to English


Esports has become a global phenomenon and is growing rapidly every year. With the rise of professional teams, tournaments, and streaming platforms, it has become a legitimate career option for many individuals. However, the language used in esports is not always familiar to those outside of the community. This article aims to translate common esports terminology from Chinese to English to help bridge the gap and increase understanding.

Game-related terms

One of the most important aspects of esports is the game being played. Here are some commonly used terms in Chinese and their English translations:

游戏 (yóu xì) - Game: This term refers to the actual game being played.

队伍 (duì wǔ) - Team: In most esports, players compete on teams instead of individually.

比赛 (bǐ sài) - Match: A competition between two teams or players.

局 (jú) - Round: A single game within a match.

英雄 (yīng xióng) - Hero: A character in the game with specific abilities and characteristics.

装备 (zhuāng bèi) - Equipment: Items that a hero can purchase to enhance their abilities in the game.

技能 (jì néng) - Skill: A specific ability that a hero has in the game.

移动 (yí dòng) - Movement: The act of moving a hero around the game map to complete objectives or evade enemies.

击杀 (jī shā) - Kill: Defeating an enemy hero in combat.

Broadcast and Streaming terms

Esports tournaments are often broadcasted and streamed for fans to watch online. Here are some common terms related to broadcasting and streaming in Chinese and their English translations:

直播 (zhí bō) - Livestream: A broadcast or stream that is happening in real-time.

转播 (zhuǎn bō) - Rebroadcast: A recorded broadcast that is being replayed at a later time.

解说 (jiě shuō) - Commentator: A person who provides live commentary during a broadcast or stream.

弹幕 (dàn mù) - Danmaku: The scrolling comments that appear on the screen during a livestream.

订阅 (dìng yuè) - Subscribe: A way for fans to support their favorite streamers or channels by paying a fee and gaining access to exclusive content.

观众 (guān zhòng) - Audience: The people who are watching the livestream or broadcast.

竞猜 (jìng cāi) - Betting: A form of gambling where viewers can bet on the outcome of the match or specific events in the game.

Community terms

The esports community is made up of fans, players, and content creators. Here are some common terms related to the community in Chinese and their English translations:

电竞 (diàn jìng) - Esports: The abbreviation for the term "electronic sports" in Chinese.

选手 (xuǎn shǒu) - Player: The term used to refer to someone who competes in esports.

粉丝 (fěn sī) - Fan: A person who supports their favorite team or player.

博主 (bó zhǔ) - Blogger: A content creator who creates written or video content about esports.

直播间 (zhí bō jiān) - Livestream Room: The virtual space where a livestream is taking place.

社区 (shè qū) - Community: The group of people who are interested in and involved with esports.

打擂台 (dǎ lèi tái) - Challenge: A series of matches between two players or teams where the winner stays on and faces the next challenger.

洛谷 (luò gǔ) - Luogu: A Chinese online platform for competitive programming.


Esports language can be daunting to those who are not familiar with it, but it is important to understand the terminology to fully appreciate and enjoy the world of esports. This article provided translations of common esports terminology from Chinese to English related to games, broadcasting and streaming, and the esports community. By learning these terms, both esports fans and newcomers can connect with the community and appreciate the games and tournaments on a deeper level.